Thursday, April 18, 2013

Romantic, erotic blog hop April 19 - 21

If you like touring authors both romantic and romantic erotic then jump on over to the DD Symms website and join the Just Romance me blog hop.

Click here to read an excerpt from the story Getaway and then join the hop and you might find authors you'll find thrilling and fun.

Cuddling with a story can be a great way to tantalize the one you love and bring a little erotic joy to the theater of the mind.

The blog hop is active for 2 days and there's a chance to win prizes, including a $75 gift card!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Sensual Touch - Short Story - Flash Fiction Erotica

     Elise grabbed a glass of water, tossed it down, and the to-do list was swirling and dominating her thoughts. Hurry. Everywhere. All the time. She gripped the kitchen counter and the yellow skin of a banana shone in the early afternoon sun. She took and placed the warmth of the peel against her cheek and flicked her tongue against it.

     The stem was strong but she bent it back and placed the meat of the banana against her lips, simply holding it in one place and choosing to not rush.

     Giggling, she touched the fruit to her neck and ran it along her throat. Why not? She unbuttoned her blouse, undid her bra and touched the banana to her breasts, caressing them and pressing the tip against her nipples.

     A surge of arousal built inside her thighs and she then took a bite, savoring the taste and texture moving on her tongue and sliding down her throat. Suddenly, the to-do list released her grip and she relaxed and smiled with an idea she could share with her husband.

Touch – Opening the Door to Pleasurable Awareness

Our skin is the largest sex organ we have, teeming with nerve endings and ready to react to all kinds of sensation and that means discovering sensual touches can open the doors to deeper arousal.

Heighten sensual awareness through touch. If you're married or dating, invite your partner to participate.
Before touching each other, simply explore everyday objects through touch. Feel a hard object like a cutting board. Run fingers along the surface and describe the first sensation that comes to mind. Is the board hard plastic or is it wooden.

If you have both kinds in your house then seek the difference between each.
Try a piece of soft fruit. Do this while lying in bed with each other. Grasp a peach or banana. Touch the peel. Kiss it. Run your lips along the surface. Then touch the part of the fruit you would eat. Hold it to your lips, your breasts, or the insides of your thighs.
Do you notice a difference in the sensations?
If you're doing this with a partner does this stimulate you and arouse you? Or is it simply fun and
perhaps even funny? It's okay to giggle and have fun.
After all, that's part of experiencing erotic joy.

photo credits: woman's legs