Friday, July 18, 2014

Warm Tales Perfect for July

My stories take place in July for a reason that remains unknown even to me. Maybe there's something about the heat tha appeals to me.

It's fitting that I'm the author of the month at Dawn's Reading Nook. The link to click is below.

She's wonderfully supportive of authors in many genres and gives us a chance to connect with new members of our audiences.

Hop on over and skim through three of my stories:

Boarding, my erotic romance novel

Layover, my erotic tale of an airport layover

Riding Shotgun, a bit of erotica with humor

I'm pleased to say I'm working hard on Arrival, a novel five years after Boarding and a male-male romance In His Sights.

Click here for the link to Dawn's Reading Nook and my write-up as author of the month.

I hope you're having a wonderful summer.